Nickolay Garin is founder and – to this day – Head of MD course at the Department of Industrial Design. He is the author of 4 fiction and 1 popular science books, over 50 articles in some professional journals and 2 documentary films about Russian N
Nickolay Garin is founder and – to this day – Head of MD course at the Department of Industrial Design. He is the author of 4 fiction and 1 popular science books, over 50 articles in some professional journals and 2 documentary films about Russian North. In addition he has over 30 years of experience in design practice and consulting (his recent work was an exposition ‘Link of Times’ for the State Museum of Man and Nature in Khanty-Mansyisk city (2002-2007)).
Nickolay Garin made over 30 research expeditions to Siberian Arctic Region (for the purpose to examine the material culture of native peoples). His research interests focus on design strategies, concepts, methods and tools for developing human-oriented systems of products (such as transport vehicles, dwellings, equipment, etc.) for extreme Northern environment. The overall vision is to develop the theory of Northern design which would be based on the eco-friendly principles borrowed from the northern indigenous culture.