Activity Stream

  • Andrew Aquilina

    Andrew Aquilina added the interest NLP.

    Added on October 05, 2023

  • Francesco Borg Bonello

    Francesco Borg Bonello posted a new update…

    Project Artefact - MindMeister

    Hey Guys!

    The appilication that I cannot wait to show you is MindMeister!

    MindMeister is an online mind mapping application that allows its users to visualize, share and present their thoughts via the cloud. This app provides a way to visualize in...More

  • Francesco Borg Bonello

    Francesco Borg Bonello posted a new update…

    Task - Week 11 (Define Ontology)

    According to Techopedia:

    An ontology can be a representation of related ideas within a specific sector that defines the links between those ideas. The sector can be used to study and evaluate the existence of things within a specific sector and can...More

  • Francesco Borg Bonello

    Francesco Borg Bonello posted a new update…

    Task - Week 9 (Pedagogical Agents)

    1) What desirable characteristics would you most like in your personal pedagogical agent?

    The most desirable characteristics would be that the pedagogical agent would be able to build a profile over time, based on my preferences that it learns alon...More

  • Matthew J Axisa

    Matthew J Axisa two new peers:

  • Andrew Aquilina

    Andrew Aquilina two new peers:

  • Ryan Vella

    Ryan Vella three new peers:

  • Michael Pulis

    Michael Pulis two new peers:

  • Ryan Camilleri

    Ryan Camilleri three new peers:

  • AndrewAquilina

    AndrewAquilina starred an update by AndrewAquilina

    A shoutout to all my fans out there

    Starred at October 22, 2019

  • Andrew Aquilina

    Andrew Aquilina posted a new update…

    A shoutout to all my fans out there

    Especially @Ryan Vella, he has supported me all these years and deserves my recognition.

    Goodnight and take care.

  • Francesco Borg Bonello

    Francesco Borg Bonello three new peers:

  • Gabriele Borg

    Gabriele Borg has one new peer:

  • Daniel Cherrett

    Daniel Cherrett changed their profile image.

    Changed at October 14, 2019

  • Daniel Cherrett

    Daniel Cherrett edited their profile information.

    Edited on October 09, 2019