Christina Guevara’s Updates
Case Study Update #4
Words Their Way Intervention
Last week I started a spelling intervention with Jack. After completing the Spelling Inventory Jack placed at the long vowel patterns in Word Sorts for Within Word Pattern Spellers. Jack started at Sort 13 Short –A and long –A (CVCe AND CVVC). I began by demonstrating and modeling the new sort. Jack is familiar with word sort activities but I explicitly taught this new sort to him. First Jack sorted by patter and then by sound. He also did several independent word sort activities to practice. Jack took the sort to do additional practice as well. I was able to give him a quick word check. Jack mastered this sort and spelled 9/9 words correctly! The explicit instruction, repetition and practice helped Jack greatly. I made sure to check Jack’s work with the long and short A (CVCe and CVVC) pattern in his authentic writing. He made one error during a writing piece where he spelled ‘plac’ for ‘place.’ When I asked Jack to read the word back to me he read it ‘plac.’ He corrected himself immediately by adding the ‘e.’ I want to encourage Jack to become more aware during his writing, by being attentive to spelling. We will spend about a week on each sort. We will work on Sort 14 Short –O and Long –O (CVCe and CVVC) next.
Below is a Jack’s student work: word sort/practice.
Jack is also continuing with his Tier 1 Instruction with spelling from our Wonders Curriculum. I think this targeted instruction specific to Jack’s level will help fill in the gaps and missing pieces.
@Christina, do you think his tier 1 intervention in the Wonders Curriculum is meeting his specific needs? I am wondering since we have discussed last semester that these set curriculum can often have students work on skills they do not actually need. What is your opinion on this, and do you think he would be progressing as much as he is if you had not had the opportunity to work one on one with him? Just curious!