Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates
Gestural learning
One game that I've applied in ESL classes is "charades". The class is divided in two groups. One member of the group receives a paper with something they are supposed to mimic. It's agreed beforehand if it's going to be verbs, movies, places, etc. The person mimicking cannot speak and has to make gestures until their group discovers, for example, the title of the movie.
A good follow up is even if the group doesn't get the answer right, is to comment on the gestures used and the reasons for it. Also, the group may comment on what gestures could have been used to construct the meaning. This is also great to asses if there is common ground as of the gestures applied.
This game sounds interesting and useful.The procedure of guessing the right answer by interpreting the gestures made by a person facilitate communication, understanding and participation.