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Curriculum Resources: Textbooks, Online Resources, and Assessment Tools

As we grow older and slowly transition to college, student and teacher interaction has been around ever since kindergarden days. Within the educational system, the use of curriculum resources can mainly benefit for students and especially the teacher as it can be used for the classroom teaching environment, and also to prepare the agenda for each curriculum as it may depend on what curriculum resources that they'll be using.

Some examples of curriculum resoruces are textbooks, online resources, and mainly assessment tools. In my opinion these are some of the curriculum resources that my previous teachers used. In general, the idea of textbooks in the educational background is that textbooks generally contains comprehensive compilation of content that intends to explain the lesson (Rasmed, 2021). In addition, the usage of online resources has been around ever since, entailing its usage everyday for quizzes, outputs, and more. In an article from Myers (2020), she added that online resources today have been easily accessible within the use of internet connection, which are available free of charge; Similarly, this also means that this really limited the accessability for extra resources that students needed for their studies (Myers, 2020). Assessment tools is another common curriculum resources that mainly measures the students progress in comprehending the lectures whether if its quizzes, tests, etc. Using assessment tools can solely depend of the questions that are well-thought-out; Additionally, teachers should consider what type of assessment tools that they'll be using depending on the context of the lecture (Busayo, 2021).

Knowing these curriculum resources can lead to cross-disciplinary learning. Ishita (2023) gave an in-depth explanation about it; Cross-Disciplinary Learning is a educational approach that accomodates the knowledge and skills from students. This mainly encourges students to further explore connnections between curriculum, gaining more comprehensive understanding and develop valuable skills.


Busayo, L. (2021, July 23). Assessment Tools: Types, Examples & Importance. Formplus.

Ishita, J. (2023, May 10). The Benefits Of Cross-Disciplinary Learning. Fairgaze.

Myers, K. (2020). 5 Ways Online Learning Is Crucial In Education. eLearning Industry.

Rasmed. (2021, November 15). Why Textbooks are Important - Rasmed Publications Ltd. Rasmed Publications Ltd.