Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

The Use of Blending Pedagogy in Reading

As we know, we were learn and taught how to read when were little and that it impacted the way we developed the reading comprehension and the ability to also learn new vocabulary words and spell it out made it so that it can strengthen our brain activity in such a young age. Keep in mind that reading may result in many different factors on why reading is essential. Furthermore, reading also helps the learner to also boost their communication skills may come across in reading.

In addition, knowing that reading can boost our communication skills, it can also affect the individual's intellectuals (Nair, 2022). Back then, a reading approach that I would usually do in my spare time is blending. To define what blending is in phonics, blending has something to do with decoding the words from a book. It mainly enhanced the learner's fluency, including letter-sound correspondance in a word (Mat, 2023).

In that case, teaching blending towards learners can substantially make them learn how to identify and manipulate the sounds in words that can help them to read and spell, she also added that it also helps learners to develop their phonological and phonemic awareness, in which is a vigorous predictor of reading achievement (Christina, 2023). In an article from Christina (2023), she stated that research has shown that having the pedagogy on blending can support the learner's ability to read unknown words due to providing them with a consistent approach towards new words.

Not to mention that learners who have been taught by this approach results in reading the words correctly, to which it motivates other learners who are struggling in reading. Similary, it can sharpen the learner's avoidance to a common reading error (Christina, 2023). Overall, using this approach can benefit the learner's overall fluency.


Christina. (2023). Different types of blending practice. Mrs. Winter’s Bliss - Resources for Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade.

Mat, S. K. (2023). Phonics blending: An evidence-based literacy strategy. Understood. Nair,

Nair, M. (2022). Why is Reading Important for Your Growth? University of the People.