Indonesia Education Abroad’s Updates

Week 3 Reminder

Hi everyone, 

The readings and assignments for Week 3 have been posted below. Please note that there is an actual assignment submission due this week - the Health & Safety Pre-Departure quiz. You will need to review / reference the International Safety and Security site for answers to the questions. You can find the link on the right hand column under "Shares" or here -

Also, if you have not yet submitted your Passport Copy, Host Family Bio, and Emergency Contact Information, please do so ASAP. Please also make sure you have completed all of the items on the checklist, including registration, payment form, and study abroad application. 

As a reminder - to submit a document on Scholar, click on "Shares" on the right hand column of the homepage, go to the top text box and fill in the necessary info (title, etc.), attach the document, then choose "Share with Admin."