Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates

Update 1. Quizlet - an easiest way to learn vocabulary.


I would like to point out an app - Quizlet (https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/quizlet/id546473125?l=en).It is an app that helps to learn new vocabulary in different ways. Acquisition of a new vocabulary is very important thing in language learning and it used to be quite boring. Usually getting to the Intermediate level makes students confident and they fell that they can express themselves and understand the others. But soon they realized that there is quite a lot to be learned and there are many words they don't understand. And it may have a negative effect on motivation.

Quizlet permits to create flashcards and to practice writing and listening in a fun way with games. Before starting a new Unit students can practice a new set of words so they don't feel overwhelmed and lost but prepared.

Before Quizlet or other similar apps, a teacher could give a list of new words that had to be learned before class. But usually there were no explanation on how it should be learned, so the work would appear very long and boring. With learning apps it has changed. Now you can learn everywhere, efficiently, fast and have fun. Implementation of gamification makes the process quite dynamic.