Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates

Computer-Mediated Learning Environments Support Active Learning and Edmodo as a Social Learning Supported by Ubiquitous Learning Devices.

Computer-Mediated Learning Environment support active learning in the following ways. 

  • It increases the student-teacher contact.  There is more communication.  It is the most important factor in creating a collaborative teaching and learning environment. 
  • It increases motivation to communicate.
  • It fosters engagement by increasing the students' level of participation.
  • It facilitates discussion and active involvement of students in the subject.
  • It allows students and teachers to collaborate more closely in the process of message construction.

Edmodo as an example of Social Learning supported by Ubiquitous Learners Devices.

Edmodo is a platform  where students can send, receive messages, discuss and share materials such as videos, audios, images, and so on.  They can also share content, activities, and evaluations.

The platform is available in six languages including English, German, Greek, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Students get to experience a digital community to support learning.  With Edmodo, students get access to the world's largest networks of educators and its resources.

It is a place where students feel comfortable participating with their peers and facilitators.  With Edmodo learners use technology to build stronger, better connections with more members of each school's community.  Finally, with this platform, learners can learn by their own.


Kash, Chris R. Computer-Mediated Learning Environments. Theory and Research into Practice.

