Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates
Essential Update #5 Describe and analyse an example of social learning supported by ubiquitous learning devices.
Update: Describe and analyse an example of social learning supported by ubiquitous learning devices.
Ubiquitous Learning or learning anywhere, everywhere is a new way of delivering education that has gained huge traction all over the globe in recent times. Ubiquitous leaning is made possible by plethora of electronic computing devices such as mobile phones, embedded computers, tablets, computers and other such devices and internet connectivity which is most of the time wireless and accessible anywhere like mobile phone networks. These technologies are so developed and easily available today that they can reach every nook and cranny of places that humans can go. With the affordability and availability of smart mobile phones and the ubiquitous reach of mobile phone networks a student can have a mobile phone and can learn from anywhere if she or he has access to internet. Connectivity alone does not ensure quality education; a platform with learning facility is necessary. E-learning LMSs are already there to provide quality learning and many commercial companies have adopted for their internal learning. These LMSs have become very powerful now-a-days and have virtual classrooms, online discussion facilities, multimedia learning modules and learning software, discussion boards, forums, and learning spaces for group learning. A learner can download or view learning content online and study. He can join classroom from anywhere where teacher or faculty can deliver online lecture or hold demonstrations and discussions etc. A learner can also join a group to learn collaboratively and also join teams to do an online project in a similar fashion a group of programmers located in different geographical locations can join and build software. All these facilities social leaning and with technologies it is possible. Ubiquitous devices like mobile phone and tablets have broadened the horizon of learning in an unprecedented way and the future is teeming with more possibilities.
Here I am going to discuss three platforms which in one way or other provide facilities to connect and collaborate for learning.
Schoology: https://www.schoology.com/
Schoology is a platform where almost all the features are accessible from anywhere. It has mobile apps for android and iPhones through which learner can access learning.
As Schoology has put it on their site “Schoology connects everyone on the same network to boost communication and sharing in the classroom, across the institution, and around the world.” And their mobile app can “Expand teaching and learning beyond the classroom with an app that connects students and faculty anytime, anywhere, and on any device.”
Schoology has instructional tools, communication and collaboration facility, as mentioned before mobile apps, data analytics and personalized learning facility, interoperability and assessment management all in one platform.
For elementary and secondary students Twiducate is a platform where students and teachers can collaborate and learning can happen. From anywhere students can connect and exchange learning among themselves from anywhere and teachers can connect students and deliver education to students from any place and anytime. There are several features in the platform which are very attractive and modern.
NEOLMS: https://www.neolms.com
NEOLMS is another learning management system created space for learning from anywhere and anytime. NEOLMS says “NEO is a learning management system (LMS) that makes it easy to create and manage all learning activities, whether it's building online classes, assessing students, enhancing collaboration, or tracking achievement.” NEO has wide range of features some of which are freely accessible. A list of its features is available at https://www.neolms.com/info/full_feature_list
There are many other online plat forms with social and collaborative learning features which can be connected ubiquitously from any devices. Future of learning with these platforms are really hopeful and exciting for future learners and educators.
An interesting article/paper on ubiquitous learning and social media I would like to share here which may throw this update in perspective.
Social Media for Ubiquitous Learning and Adaptive Tutoring an IEEE paper: