Creative Horizons: AI's Influence on Design


Design is inherently multidisciplinary and deeply personal, reflecting the subjective approach of the designer. Sense-making, a vital aspect of the design process, guides decisions through scanning, interpreting, and responding. Designers must find innovative ways to adapt to new challenges as technology evolves. In this dynamic landscape, designers go beyond form and function, infusing their creations with emotional value drawn from personal experiences and expressed through narrative as sensemaking. In today’s fast-paced design landscape, A.I. tools like DALL·E, Midjourney, and Chat GPT are transforming the way designers work, offering new possibilities for creativity and innovation. This harmonious blend of human creativity and AI-driven sense-making is reshaping the design craft for the future, elevating the emotional impact and relevance of design solutions.


Suresh Sethi
Professor, Industrial Design, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Illinois, United States