Social impact assessment (SIA) is a tool to observe perception of local people relation to a project that might impact to them. Generally, a five kilometer radius of people living around the project is investigated. Hence, clear mapping image of villages situating around a five kilometers radius of the project is initially important tool for data collection planning. This research considers the perception of local people on social impact assessment of mangrove restoration in a five kilometer radius around Muang district, Chumphon province, north of southern Thailand by developing GIS (Geographic Information System) village mapping as a tool for data collection. Results found that firstly, basic information of villages situating around the project was constructed. Secondly, documentary research on villages situated was examined. Population size and number of households were presented to find the sample size of villagers. Thirdly, asking for local map from sub-district organisations at village level to get better image of villages situating around five kilometers radius of the project. The received maps were merged with the previous map from the first step to make bigger image map at local village level. GPS (Global Positioning System) of each household was recorded during questionnaires for data collection, and converted these data into a village level map again to cross-check whether all respondents belong to the target group of the study. Finally, the targeted map of study areas together with data recorded from questionnaires data collection were presented and confirmed as the data collection at the targeted study area.
Umaporn MuneenamLecturer, Environmental Management Department, Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
GIS, Mapping, Village Level, Social Impact Assessment, Chumphon, Thailand