Indigenous Knowledge for Promotion and enhancement of Sustainable Solutions: The Case of UAE


This study explores the integration of indigenous knowledge in promoting and enhancing sustainable solutions within the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Recognizing the region’s rich cultural heritage and traditional ecological practices, the research identifies how indigenous knowledge systems can contribute to contemporary sustainability challenges. The research focuses on various sustainable solutions rooted in the indigenous knowledge of the UAE, emphasizing areas such as water management, agriculture, and architecture. Traditional water conservation techniques, such as the falaj irrigation system, demonstrate efficient use of scarce water resources, crucial for the arid climate of the UAE. In agriculture, practices like crop rotation and the cultivation of native plants illustrate sustainable farming methods that enhance soil fertility and reduce water consumption. Architectural innovations, exemplified by wind towers and traditional building materials, showcase energy-efficient designs that mitigate harsh climatic conditions while maintaining cultural aesthetics. These solutions highlight a synergy between environmental sustainability and cultural heritage, providing practical, context-specific strategies that align with modern sustainability goals. By examining these practices, the research aims to illustrate how indigenous knowledge can be revitalized and integrated into contemporary sustainability efforts, offering resilient and adaptive strategies for the UAE’s future. The research methodology is based on comprehensive qualitative analysis of historical and current practices. Through conducting interviews with local communities and experts, the study reveals the practical applications and benefits of these traditional practices in modern contexts. The findings suggest that indigenous knowledge not only offers viable sustainable solutions but also strengthens community resilience and cultural identity.


Elnazir Ramadan
Associate Professor, Geography, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Indigenous knowledge, Sustainability, Cultural heritage, UAE