The South African Risk and Vulnerability Atlas: Empowerment Through Open Access Data


Complex global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, urbanization, and recent pandemics heighten community susceptibility to natural and human-made disaster risks. The South African Risk and Vulnerability Atlas (SARVA - was created to offer open-access, decision-ready data to communities, policymakers and governments, aiding responses to global change risks. By tracking risks and identifying community and ecosystem vulnerabilities, SARVA contributes to building more sustainable and resilient economies and societies. One of SARVA’s key strengths lies in its ability to shed light on the interconnected nature of risks and vulnerabilities. While environmental factors like climate change and biodiversity loss are undoubtedly crucial, SARVA recognizes that socio-economic vulnerabilities are equally significant. By integrating data on poverty levels, access to healthcare, infrastructure resilience, and other socio-economic indicators, SARVA paints a holistic picture of vulnerability, enabling stakeholders to devise more targeted and effective interventions. Moreover, SARVA operates on the principles of accessibility, usability, and responsiveness, ensuring that its data and tools are readily available and easy to navigate for users across diverse sectors. Through user-friendly dashboards, interactive maps, and informative blogs, SARVA democratizes access to critical information, fostering a culture of evidence-based decision-making and collaboration.


Galaletsang Keebine
Junior Data Scientisat, Data Science/uLwazi, South African Environmental Observation Network, Gauteng, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Risk, Vulnerability, Disaster, Economy, Resilience