Perceptions of Using AI Tool to Assists English Writing among Non-academic Adult: A Case of HugginChat


Given the rapid and continuous evolution of technological instruments, the use of AI to assist learning has been growing significantly. This study explores how effective the AI is in enhancing adult’s English writing, a domain where the role of AI, especially in tools like HuggingChat, remains under-researched. Participants who are non-academic writer are aged between 23 to 26. The participants utilize HuggingChat to help them organize their ideas and compose a paragraph following the formal structure of an article. In the study, they use the tool to write one hour a week for three weeks. This study uses interviews to collect the in-depth understanding of the satisfaction after participants utilize the system. Then, Grounded theory analysis proposed by Glaser & Strauss (1967) is applied to analyze the excerpts from the interview. The research is conducted to: (1) examine participant’s overall attitude and perception toward the using of AI to assist English Writing.


Yuchin Chang
Student, Graduate, National Taiwan Normal University, Tainan Municipality, Taiwan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2025 Special Focus—Learning from Artificial Intelligence: Pedagogical Futures and Transformative Possibilities


Artificial Intelligence, HugginChat, Perception, Non-academic adults