An Oxonian Thriller on which Philosophy Could Replace Religion


Norberto Bobbio wrote in 1944, La Filosofia del Decadentismo. He identified in the existentialist philosophy a great regression (brought about by totalitarianism and war) with respect to the traditional values of Western society, and regretted that if a new fundamental philosophy was sought to replace the rapidly declining Christian religion, according to Bobbio, it had unfortunately not been Benedetto Croce’s Historicism, but Existentialism itself. Now the crucial passage in which Bobbio makes this point explicit was omitted from the English translation made in 1948 by Basil Blackwell while it was retained in the Spanish translation of 1949). In this study, we explore why.


Franco Manni
History of Philosophy, Liceo Scientifico Leonardo, Brescia, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Politics of Religion


Norberto Bobbio, Existentialism, Historicism, Basil Blackwell