The emergence of roadside Buddhist shrines in Colombo since the 1970s marks a significant shift in the urban religious landscape, reflecting a growing intersection of spirituality and everyday life. These shrines, maintained by Buddhists, Catholics, and Hindus, illustrate an increase in religious density that influences the social fabric of the city. Respondents report a notable rise in religious symbols within specific areas, indicating that these small shrines are not merely ignored by non-adherents; rather, they foster mental and physical connections among urban dwellers, regardless of their faith. This phenomenon highlights the expanding religious spaces in Colombo and the residents’ willingness to engage with these environments. This study is grounded in ethnographic research conducted over five months from May to September 2019, complemented by a longitudinal analysis comparing findings with data from 2009. Engaging discussions with shrine organizers and regular visitors, alongside onsite observations, provided comprehensive insights into the worship practices surrounding these roadside shrines. The comparative analysis of ethnographic data from 2009 and 2019 indicates that roadside shrines have become integral to Colombo’s urban identity. This research reveals new realities beyond simplistic narratives of inter-religious tensions; it highlights how socio-economic uncertainties have catalyzed the proliferation of these spiritual spaces. The rise of roadside shrine worship illustrates a complex interplay between urban development and religious practices, suggesting a need for further exploration into how such phenomena shape resilience and vulnerability within contemporary urban settings.
Anton PiyarathneProfessor, Social Studies Department, Open Universty of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Religious Community and Socialization
Secularism, Syncretism, Buddhism, Rituals, Beliefs, Religious practice, Colombo