Megachurches and Public Life: How Congregants See Life as Whole and How They Live Out Their Faith in Publife


Megachurches at large are undergoing a massive transition and transformation influenced by the recent global health crisis, wars, and geo-political conflicts in various continents. While it is still in its infancy period, the study of megachurches in the Global South will continue to be evolved and forged by the global challenges as the 21st century unfolds. How megachurch congregants approach lived religion and how do they play their role in public life are questions that are worth noting in our times. Drawing our attention from perspectives and perceptions of megachurch congregants, fresh from the results of the empirical research conducted by the research team of Templeton Megachurch Project of John Templeton Foundation, this study unpacts the collective voices of church congregants as to how they live out and translate that faith in public life. Using the survey templates of Qualtrics, we surveyed and interrogated megachurch people from all walks of life about faith and life, politics, socio-economic issues, cultural values, social media, and the COVID-19 pandemic and find out important and meaningful discoveries that perhaps shape the global study of religion and the forging of public policy toward religion.


Joel Agpalo Tejedo
Director/Professor, Asia Pacific Research Center, Asia Pacific Research Center, Benguet, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Megachurches, Public Life, Socio-political engagement, COVID-19