Idols - the Ancient Mnemonics to Preserve Knowledge: De-Coding Science and Human Values in Hindu Idols


Indian gods were not just random fancy decorations of temples but innovative knowledge management means by Rishis, who were researchers and scientists. In Vedas and other scriptures there are mentions of flying objects, submarines, weapons of mass destruction, first iron leg transplant, babies born of clay pots, medical conditions like diabetes, infections, and hardening of veins, discovery of zero, and mentions of time scales from 10^-11 seconds to billions of years etc. Why would Rishis with such scientific temperament promote fancy Gods? Actually the idols and chants were the only storage media, to preserve knowledge in those Shruti periods, when written materials were not found. The idols and chants were the world’s first storage media to code knowledge. To understand big genius, one has to be a little genius too. The necessity arose as capable pupils were scarce and in tradition of Guru-Pupil, there was a great risk of loss of knowledge. This did happen as some later Rishis could not understand the science and psychology in them and rephrased things differently in blind faith. Today, the code has survived in idol forms, and it is an asset not just for Hindus but all Humanity, as it contains essential knowledge. With the advent of modern sciences, it is becoming easy to decode them again, and hence this study. There are extraordinary coincidences in Hindu Idols with modern cosmology, theory of Creations and socio-psychology. “Yog” is the means to gain such knowledge. Let’s rediscover the ancient sciences through Hindu Idols.


Pramendra Srivastava
Founder, Projects, Sankhyayog Sanatan Dharma Parishad, Haryana, India


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2025 Special Focus—Fragile Meanings: Vulnerability in the Study of Religions and Spirituality


Hindu, Idols, Science, Human, Values, Mnemonics, Rishi, Social, Psychology, Knowledge