Unlocking Creativity: Community Engaged Dance and Storytelling for Senior Adults


Senior adults are a growing population in America and face increased feelings of social isolation, a problem compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. The positive physiological impacts of dance fitness classes for seniors are well documented, but less research exists on the impacts of creative dance on well-being and social connection. This study addresses this gap in knowledge by focusing on the expressive potential and social impact of senior adult engagement in creative dance. Over the course of a 3-week dance and storytelling workshop, senior adult participants experienced an outlet for creative expression and imagination. The methods include oral history interviews, a group interview, facilitator field notes, oral storytelling, movement generation from language, creative writing exercises and somatic guided movement experiences. The study is situated within Participatory Action Research (PAR), with regular dialogue and participant feedback guiding the workshop. In the context of community engaged dance, this research reveals the expressive potential that comes from bridging language and movement. I show how utilizing both a “language-first” approach and a “movement-first” approach contributed to positive social connection outcomes and a sense of self-discovery among the senior adult participants. These approaches suggest the importance of imagination for creative expression in future community-based dance engagement.


Jenn Pray
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Dance, The University of Iowa, Iowa, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Dance, Storytelling, Imagination, Creativity, Community Engagement, Senior Adults