Reproductive Rights in Hip-Hop


Reproductive healthcare has been utilized for centuries- some would argue since the beginning of time. In hip-hop specifically, reproductive justice is often treated as heavy and serious but of a necessary importance. In one analysis of hip-hop music, researchers discovered that there were not many negative attitudes towards abortion in the music, with 28 of 101 (~28%) having a negative connotation attached to the concept in a song (Premkumar et al.). This follows statistics regarding abortion across the country, with ~64% of people in the United States having a neutral or positive view of the topic (PRRI Staff). The reason that the topic has sprung up in music again in recent years is due to the fact that Roe v Wade, the landmark civil rights decision granting citizens of the United States the right to abortion and other forms of reproductive healthcare, was overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States in 2022 (Harshaw). The right to reproductive healthcare is especially important for Black women and it was, in fact, the Black woman DJ Kool Herc, that is credited with creating hip-hop. It fits then, that Black women are growing in numbers as rappers and specifically, as outspoken rappers who support the right to have an abortion. The end of this paper includes a lyrical analysis of three songs that are written and performed by women where the songs discuss reproductive rights.


Hailey Colpitts
Student, MLS, Indiana University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Music, Rap, Hip-hop, Lyrical Analysis, Reproductive health, Reproductive Justice, Abortion