Project Requirements
The peer-reviewed project will include five major sections, with relevant sub-sections to organize your work using the CGScholar structure tool.
BUT! Please don’t use these boilerplate headings. Make them specific to your chosen topic, for instance: “Introduction: Addressing the Challenge of Learner Differences”; “The Theory of Differentiated Instruction”; “Lessons from the Research: Differentiated Instruction in Practice”; “Analyzing the Future of Differentiated Instruction in the Era of Artificial Intelligence;” “Conclusions: Challenges and Prospects for Differentiated Instruction.”
Include a publishable title, an Abstract, Keywords, and Work Icon (About this Work => Info => Title/Work Icon/Abstract/Keywords).
Overall Project Wordlength – At least 3500 words (Concentration of words should be on theory/concepts and educational practice)
Part 1: Introduction/Background
Introduce your topic. Why is this topic important? What are the main dimensions of the topic? Where in the research literature and other sources do you need to go to address this topic?
Part 2: Educational Theory/Concepts
What is the educational theory that addresses your topic? Who are the main writers or advocates? Who are their critics, and what do they say?
Your work must be in the form of an exegesis of the relevant scholarly literature that addresses and cites at least 6 scholarly sources (peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books).
Media: Include at least 7 media elements, such as images, diagrams, infographics, tables, embedded videos, (either uploaded into CGScholar, or embedded from other sites), web links, PDFs, datasets, or other digital media. Be sure these are well integrated into your work. Explain or discuss each media item in the text of your work. If a video is more than a few minutes long, you should refer to specific points with time codes or the particular aspects of the media object that you want your readers to focus on. Caption each item sourced from the web with a link. You don’t need to include media in the references list – this should be mainly for formal publications such as peer reviewed journal articles and scholarly monographs.
Part 3 – Educational Practice Exegesis
You will present an educational practice example, or an ensemble of practices, as applied in clearly specified learning contexts. This could be a reflection practice in which you have been involved, one you have read about in the scholarly literature, or a new or unfamiliar practice which you would like to explore. While not as detailed as in the Educational Theory section of your work, this section should be supported by scholarly sources. There is not a minimum number of scholarly sources, 6 more scholarly sources in addition to those for section 2 is a reasonable target.
This section should include the following elements:
Articulate the purpose of the practice. What problem were they trying to solve, if any? What were the implementers or researchers hoping to achieve and/or learn from implementing this practice?
Provide detailed context of the educational practice applications – what, who, when, where, etc.
Describe the findings or outcomes of the implementation. What occurred? What were the impacts? What were the conclusions?
Part 4: Analysis/Discussion
Connect the practice to the theory. How does the practice that you have analyzed in this section of your work connect with the theory that you analyzed on the previous section? Does the practice fulfill the promise of the theory? What are its limitations? What are its unrealized potentials? What is your overall interpretation of your selected topic? What do the critics say about the concept and its theory, and what are the possible rebuttals of their arguments? Are its ideals and purposes hard, easy, too easy, or too hard to realize? What does the research say? What would you recommend as a way forward? What needs more thinking in theory and research of practice?
Part 5: References (as a part of and subset of the main References Section at the end of the full work)
Include citations for all media and other curated content throughout the work (below each image and video)
Include a references section of all sources and media used throughout the work, differentiated between your Learning Module-specific content and your literature review sources.
Include a References “element” or section using APA 7th edition with at least 10 scholarly sources and media sources that you have used and referred to in the text.
Be sure to follow APA guidelines, including lowercase article titles, uppercase journal titles first letter of each word), and italicized journal titles and volumes.
Assessments can be used for many reasons, but something they almost all have in common is reporting ability, skill, or proficiency in some sort of metric, like a score. Commonly used data displays for reporting scores, such as line and bar charts, are recommended because people tend to be most familiar with these types of displays (Franconeri et. al, 2021), but their overutilization can actually lead to misrepresentation of the data (Holder, 2022) and false understandings when viewed by policymakers, educators, parents, and the general public. Figure 1 shows an example of how complex data can be oversimplified, leading to an inaccurate interpretation. While the reality of social data is frequently a series of overlapping distributions of different groups, when these data are expressed in an oversimplified but easy to grasp graph, like a bar chart, the truth of overlapping distributions is lost, and these data are perceived to be distinct narrowly defined groups with little overlap – a huge distortion of reality.
Figure 1
Example of how oversimplified data can lead to misinterpretation of the data
Just as humans are complex, any assessment meant to measure and represent human knowledge, either looking at one individual or a population, should show the breadth and depth of that complicated truth. Common score results displays typically only present a mean of a subgroup populations; however, simplistically viewing scores this way tells you very little. What is the range of scores? Are they evenly distributed or sporadically dispersed? How much overlap between the groups is there? How many points are in each group (which tells you something about measurement error)?
Figure 2
A current NAEP achievement gap display
For example, Figure 2 shows a current NAEP achievement gap display between public and nonpublic school students. It tells you the magnitude of disparity between the two populations and that it’s consistent over time. As implied by the misperception of data shown in Figure 1, presenting achievement gaps between racial/ethnic subgroups like this is problematic, as it can lead to attribution bias, which is when a person attributes characteristics (typically negative) to an entire group of people, resulting in biased interpretations and stereotyping (Holder & Xiong, 2022). In an example of this, Holder (2022) asked people to look at simple, frequently used data displays like bar and line charts for social data to see how they interpreted what they saw, such as the display in Figure 3. He found that people more frequently used a deficit frame to explain differences between groups, that is, attributing deficits to people, not structural inequalities. For example, when presented with the bar chart below, people explained the deficit in the pay of Group B due to lack of hard work or friendliness, rather than a structural cause, such as Group B working in a less busy or lower living-wage location.
Figure 3
Common display example that results in deficit framing
To take this a step further, there seem to be a lot of researchers who have criticized achievement gap reporting in general. For example, Ladson-Billings (2006) states, “when we see the ‘achievement gap’, what we are really seeing is generations of inequalities that have compounded. Rather than gap, this is better understood as a debt that should be owed to those whom these inequalities have affected.” In this sense, achievement gap displays are not showing score differences, but rather, compounding inequality between races and ethnic groups that, as Figure 2 shows, has not changed much in the last 30 years. Policymakers, educators, parents – no one has been able to move the needle on eliminating structural inequalities in education. Why? Talking directly with teachers and parents is likely a good start, but a lot can also be done to improve score result displays to make it easier to investigate data, more deeply (from national, to state, to city, to school, and even classroom levels) and more broadly (over time, comparing specific indicators across states). To this point, I have a personal note: While I started on this journey being primarily interested in creating better visualizations than line and bar charts, I’ve quickly come to realize how poorly used large-scale assessment data are utilized, and when they are, the way in which results are portrayed can actively do more harm than good.
In this paper, I will start by discussing some of the harmful effects of standard large-scale assessment reporting (particularly achievement gap reporting) and explore why it is important not to oversimplify complex data. From there, I will share critical perspectives on score reporting best practices that were obtained from interviews with National Assessment for Education Progress (NAEP) data users (Kerzabi et al., 2024; 2025). Finally, I will explore some examples of quality score data reporting for different stakeholder groups and offer actionable suggestions to better support users with low data literacy.
There are a lot of best practices for visualizing data out there (e.g., Ancker et al., 2023; Franconeri et al., 2021; Holder & Xiong, 2022; Lane & Sandor, 2009; Padilla et al., 2018; Schwabish & Feng, 2021), and plenty of literature (experiments, interviews) about how various groups understand data (e.g., Fansher et al., 2022; Houston & Henig, 2023; Miller & Watkins, 2010; Zapata-Rivera et al., 2013), and there are plenty of sites that offer insights into the types of visualizations that would work best for different data (e.g., Data Viz Project, n.d., shown in the video below; Data Visualization Society, n.d.). Across the literature, four major recommendations surface when preparing data for visualization: (1) keep it simple, (2) keep it clean, (3) know your audience, and (4) manage the message.
Keep it simple
Keep it clean
Know your audience
Manage the message
Complex data can be clarified through language, data grouping, the ways in which variability, significance, and uncertainty are relayed, and even through how data legends are displayed. Figures 5 – 11 offer some examples of how to convey such information cleanly and clearly, while still retaining data complexity.
Figure 5a
Using shape, color, size, and position to convey meaning
Figure 5b
Impact of using grouping and color
Figure 6
An example of the importance of displaying variability in data
Figure 7
Example showing how different displays of uncertainty can change the message of the data
Figure 8
Additional considerations for displaying data uncertainty
Figure 9
Considerations for formatting legends to avoid racially biased implications
Figure 10
Considerations for naming and explaining graphs and figures
From a fairness and equity standpoint, Figure 5 is particularly important, as it shows how easily data can be misrepresented in seemingly “neutral” frames. In left panel, the title and subheading appears clinical, invoking the fallacy that numbers are neutral (Castillo & Strunk, 2024). While likely not intentional, a lay person may not understand the implication of the data. Anyone working in a prison will know that a mental health diagnosis is generally considered a positive thing (Gómez-Figueroa & Camino-Proaño, 2024), in that it opens the door to necessary treatment and symptom management while incarcerated. With the data shows that a larger majority of white inmates are diagnosed with mental health disorders than people of color (POC), the implication is that white inmates have disproportionate access to mental health treatment, effectively, racism in jail. The right frame title and subheading more accurately shares the implication of the data for general audiences.
While this section provides general best practices alongside examples, even best practices can be impractical for data users. In this section, I share some criticisms directly from stakeholders that I helped to interview on this topic.
In this section, I share some criticisms directly from stakeholders that I helped to interview (see Kerzabi et al., 2025) in January and February of 2024. My team and I conducted interviews with NAEP state coordinators (people that liaise between the US Department of Education and their State government), as well as a few policymakers (elected state officials) and their staffers. When presented with some of the recommendations noted in the previous section, here were some of the comments we received from interviewees.
Recommendation #1: Show a range of data when reporting (AERA, APA, NCME, 2014); don’t presume white students or males as the focus group (Schwabish & Feng, 2021)
Figure 11
Gap vs. range display
"It’s difficult to make the public understand graphs with distributions. Same with percentiles." (from Kerzabi et al., 2025, p. 13)
"People want to know the bad story and try to fix it." (from Kerzabi et al., 2024, p. 16)
Recommendation #2: Conduct within subgroup analyses to see what the best achievers within that group are doing (Hughes, 2023).
“There’s a reason why low achievers are hindered. [We] can’t think that doing what we do with high achievers will bring everyone up, and people might find it condescending.” (from Kerzabi et al., 2024, p. 37)
“Digging into why that context exists is pretty complex and can take time… you may not know exactly what the responses meant or why a particular state/district/region responded that way.” (from Kerzabi et al., 2024, p. 26)
“Too often [opportunity to learn] is simplified as poverty, minority, or zip code. Sometimes it… ignores home life when it should, in fact, be much broader than just school opportunities.” (from Kerzabi et al., 2024, p. 39)
Recommendation #3: Keep data visualizations simple (Khasnabish et al., 2020; meta-analysis of data visualization in healthcare)
“It’s always better to tell a complex story that’s true than a simple story that’s false.” (from Holder, 2022)
“The thing people most want is more detailed data, they want more in depth data.” (from Kerzabi et al., 2025, p. 20)
“There’s [a lot of data] there, they just don't know how to use it or interpret it.” (from Kerzabi et al., 2025, p. 20)
To summarize, there’s a definite conflict between wanting a lot of information to be able to dig deeper into the data and more accurate displays, while also wanting clear and actionable information to be taken from displays. This is discussed in the final section.
Finally, I would like to share some ideas for different types of data displays that serve a useful purpose for the intended audience (general public, policy makers, teachers and parents). Building off of last week’s update, how can student data be presented holistically, while still being understood by general users. Figures 12 – 15 are a few displays for the general public on large-scale assessment data that are meant to provide additional context, score distributions, etc.
Figure 12
A display on the impact of COVID-19-associated job loss by race/ethnicity
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) must frequently show population differences, and as such, usually does a good job of using dispersions when presenting multiple group visualizations. The example in Figure 13 shows mean performance of the different nations, and the dispersion of economic, social and cultural status (ESCS index) is dispersed.
Figure 13
Example of dispersion comparing different subgroups from PISA
Figure 14 shows a created display to illustrate the impact of SES on student outcomes. Notice how the choice of color keeps grouping variables aims to keep results stigma- and bias-free.
Figure 14
Score distribution example highlighting structural inequalities
Figure 15 offers an alternative to achievement gap reporting; rather than pitting groups against each other, growth toward a fixed goal is displayed. Note that this display is particularly clean, without extraneous gridlines (Khasnabish, S., et al., 2020) or a shaded background (Lane & Sandor, 2009). As with other trend graphs, note how this display also maintains common associations, such as up and down for more or less and left to right for the passage of time (Franconeri et. al, 2021).
Figure 15
An achievement gap alternative for comparing subgroups
So far, these displays have focused on equitable representations of group score data; however, another major concern when displaying data is making displays interpretable for users with low data literacy. The next few displays (Figures 16 – 17) may be useful for these general users, who may have low data literacy. These graphs avoid statistical jargon (Goodman & Hambleton, 2004) while putting the data into its appropriate context. Through simple images and icons with descriptive text, interpreting the information is less taxing for users who may not be able to accurately decipher even common graphs (Franconeri et. al, 2021; Padilla et. al, 2018; Khasnabish, S., et al., 2020; Lane & Sandor, 2009). Formats such as an a speedometer or a gas tank gauge (with an arrow rotating from left for slow/empty to right for fast/full), as well as a commonly used bar chart for cell phone service (with increasingly high bars filling as the phone gets better reception) are familiar and common to users, making them readily applicable with new information but with similar associations (Franconeri et. al, 2021).
Figure 16
Example of the California State Education dashboard for users with low data literacy
Figure 17
Example of the Delaware Report Card for users with low data literacy
For users that really want to do a deep dive on data, such as parents interested in knowing specifically about their own child, or a teacher about their students (and whose pay may be tied to the academic performance of their class), or a principal or superintendent about their school or district, complex data can still be displayed in an understandable context using words, colors, and common associations. Some institutions, such as the California Department of Education, have created training videos to support novice users, as well as promotional videos to increase familiarity and accessibility. Videos 1 and 2 are both examples of instructional videos.
Video 1
Around the California Dashboard in 90 seconds
Source: California Department of Education (2019)
Video 2
Introductory video to the MAP Growth 101 YouTube playlist, with each video exploring a different and important area of understanding and interpreting student growth data.
Source: NWEAvideos (2024)
The Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) has done a nice job of expressing data effectively, as well as making their growth reports accessible to parents and educators. Their introductory overview is shown in Video 2, and the rest of this section looks at some of their reports. Figures 18 – 20 show the NWEA “Map” example reports for an individual student, a class (achievement and growth), and at the school or district level, respectively. Note how these combine graphical and numerical displays (Lane & Sandor, 2009; Khasnabish, S., et al., 2020) and show clear values rather than frequencies or rates (Franconeri et. al, 2021). Figure 18, in particular, offers clear and concise information about the student and seems mindful that the parent will be interpreting this information (Ankler et. al, 2023).
Figure 18
NWEA Family Report (for a student)
Figure 19
NWEA Achievment Status and Growth Report (for a class)
Figure 20
NWEA School Profile
Many of these displays do not incorporate all best practices, but they seem to intentionally incorporate many. With these final displays shown in Figures 18 – 20, it should also be pointed out that these displays are also interactive, allowing the user to zoom in and zoom out on details to get more specifics of the score when interested. Interactive features can take data displays to the next level, and more explicitly support distinctly different users with varying degrees of data literacy.
In the next section, I will discuss and summarize the major findings of this paper.
As motivation for this paper, the introduction took an equity standpoint and looked at how complex data (such as group-score and large-scale assessment results) can be easily misrepresented and incorrectly understood when oversimplified and expressed using common data displays. Such data representations can paint a false narrative, which, while unintentional, can lead to attribution bias and harmful stereotyping by those looking at the data. The next section reviewed score reporting best-practices, including best practices among data equity researchers. These practices can be distilled as keep it simple, keep it clean, know your audience, and manage the message. Drawing on real conversations with NAEP data users, the third section shares specific critiques of these best-practices from those who work with large-scale, group-score data most frequently and for varying purposes. Finally, in the last section, equity concerns, best-practices in score reporting, and user critiques were synthesized to present some good examples of how data can be visualized with different users in mind.
It is my hope that this paper will support those working with achievement data as both a reference and guide to creating equitable, interpretable, and useful data visualizations. While this paper targeted primarily summative assessment data displays, formative assessment displays are close on the horizon as technology and AI are more and more incorporated into daily classroom practices at-large. For these displays, the four main takeaways still apply, and I might add that, in addition to managing the message, knowing the question the data display should answer will be highly important. Simple, at-a-glance performance gauges, such as those in Figures 16 and 17, as well as displays that allow for easy drill-down for teachers, should be prioritized when developing formative assessment dashboards.
American Educational Research Association (AERA), American Psychological Association (APA), & National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) (Eds.). (2014). Standards for educational and psychological testing. American Educational Research Association.
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Castillo, W., & Strunk, K.K. (2024). How to QuantCrit: Applying Critical Race Theory to Quantitative Data in Education (1st ed.). Routledge.
Data Viz Project (n.d.). DVP by ferdio.
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Delaware (n.d.). Delaware Report Card.
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Zapata-Rivera, D., Vezzu, M., & VanWinkle, W. (2013). Exploring teachers’ understanding of graphical representations of group performance [Research Memorandum No. RM-12-20]. Educational Testing Service.