Impactando Socialmente en Dos Países con los 17 OD´s - México y España


An experience is presented in a Global Shared Learning Classroom under the COIL (Collaborative online international learning) methodology using digital tools that have allowed us to see each other, hear each other and work collaboratively from Mexico and Spain, in six collaborations between the Rovira y Virgili University and the Tecnológico de Monterrey, from 2019 to 2023, with the participation of 522 students. The topics addressed were born from documentary and field research, in which students have analyzed real problems in Spain and Mexico, linking the 17 SDGs of the UN 2030 agenda. Within the multicultural collaborative activity, the students mapped each country, seeking an answer to the following question: What can we do to help? Thus developing the creativity of students to give real answers with actions in communities in Mexico and Spain. They worked in person and online to invite citizens through small daily actions to contribute to the goals of the SDGs. Subsequently, they prepared a written essay and videos, writing their experience, linking it and arguing with ethical and psychopedagogical theories, related to our subjects Ethics, sustainability and social responsibility TEC and Educational policy and management of the URV. They ended with some reflections on collaborative work, learning to use various methodologies and technologies. They value themselves as active citizens for society.


Ana Cecilia Franco De La Rosa
Profesora, Humanidades y Educación, ITESM, Mexico


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Learning in Higher Education


Aprendizaje servicio, Equipos colaborativos, Impacto social y ambiental