Adapting to AI Through the Five Stages of Grief: Leadership Strategies for Adapting to Disruptive Technologies


Adapting to change is difficult. It requires an emotional process that many of us forget to address. When disruptive technologies change our industries, we cannot immediately jump to “put up or shut up.” That will only lead to discord, frustration, anger, and paralysis. We need to properly grieve in order to move on effectively. This involves “letting go” of the “old way “of doing things and embracing, with cautious optimism, some of the new ways. This workshop will guide administrators and faculty through the process of grieving the changes that AI is bringing to the education industry. It will help educators of all levels to move slowly towards a place of acceptance. By the end, participants will understand the nature of grief and how to navigate it as they adapt to the changes AI is forcing upon the entire education system.


Mike Kentz
CEO, Zainetek Educational Advisors, Georgia, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Adult, Community, and Professional Learning


AI, Disruptive Technology, Leadership, Adaptation