Integrating Industry Standards into Classrooms: Help Students Adapt Their Future Career by Bringing It in Early


Many new students graduated with four years of learning, but lack industry experience. It is also common to see entry level jobs with a required 3-5 years of experience, something most students would not be possible to have. To help the students adapt, industry-oriented content was integrated in many classes to help student gain experience, and have projects aimed towards real world products. Professional development weeks are added to help improve their exposure to the industry, and many industry veterans were brought in to give presentations and teach classes. A studio like system is applied to the senior thesis projects where students follow proper protocol, workflow, and take responsibility of their assigned roles. A controlled hierarchy is implemented to ensure accountability and the quality of the project, industry management tools are also used to track tasks and assigned personals. The approaches not only improve students’ skill, preparez them with much polished projects, but also greatly increases their understanding of a studio environments, and the behavioral know-hows, which is one of the deciding factors in a job interview on top of skills and experiences.


Jingtian Li
Associate Professor, 3D Animation and Game Design, University of the Incarnate Word, Texas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Higher Education, Career Preparation, Curriculum Design