The Role of Bio-based Materials in Education: Hands on Investigation with DIY Non-petroleum Based Materials


The challenges of sustainable design demand an interdisciplinary approach combining technical knowledge, user insights, and environmental responsibility. This paper showcases how hands-on projects with bio-based materials can integrate industrial design education with fields like materials science, biotechnology, and sustainable manufacturing. Case studies highlight students applying STEM principles while prototyping with bio-composites, demonstrating the interdisciplinary learning potential of this pedagogical approach. Companies already leveraging bio-based materials in design illustrate the industry relevance of such experiences. By interweaving bio-based materials into design curricula, educators can foster cross-functional collaboration, technical literacy, and sustainable mindsets, preparing graduates to drive user-centered innovation in response to evolving societal needs and environmental challenges.


Daniel Neubauer
Associate Teaching Professor, Industrial Design, Iowa State University, Iowa, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2025 Special Focus—Thinking, Learning, Doing: Plural Ways of Design


Sustainability, Bio Based Baterials, Hands On, Design Education, Industrial Design