Biodesign and Territory : The Examples of Labva (Chile) and Atelier Luma (France) initiatives


Biodesign combines knowledge of Biology with Design, works with living organisms and organic matter in its practice, and has a strong ecological concern. Although, most of the time, it is carried out within laboratories and independent of a territorial context, there are recent approaches called “Situated Biodesign” or “Bioregional” that relate Biodesign to specific regions. This study investigates this relationship with locality through two case studies: in Chile and France. The main objective is to bring evidence about projects that work with Biodesign in situated contexts, understanding its implications. As a result, in addition to providing consistent references on this type of practice, the study reveals that by connecting to the territory, Biodesign strengthens its ecological relationships and facilitates the material autonomy of the places.


Andrea Bandoni
PhD Researcher, Product Design, University of Lisbon, Fine Arts Faculty, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2025 Special Focus—Thinking, Learning, Doing: Plural Ways of Design


Biodesign; Biomaterials; Territory; Bioregional