Information Design for Older Adults: Usability Guidelines for Enhancing Quality of Life


Within the realm of information design for older adults, this research establishes specific guidelines through a systematic literature review. Representing 12% of the Mexican population until 2023, this demographic group faces unique challenges due to the decline in cognitive abilities associated with age. The central objective is to enhance the quality of life for older adults by addressing the usability of products such as forms, medical prescriptions, signage, and instructions. The research focuses on identifying and synthesizing best practices in information design for older adults, centering on the concept of usability. The intention is to provide theoretical and practical guidelines for information designers, emphasizing the importance of efficiency (speed and ease of use), effectiveness (ease of comprehension), and satisfaction (aesthetically pleasing) in crafting products tailored to this demographic. The anticipated outcomes include defining specific design strategies that foster efficient, effective, and satisfying products for older adults. It is expected that these findings will equip designers with practical tools to enhance the accessibility and adaptability of information design products for this demographic. In summary, this study seeks to positively impact the daily lives of older adults by providing designers with knowledge and specific guidelines focused on usability. This will promote the creation of more inclusive products tailored to the unique needs of this demographic, thereby fostering a more dignified and satisfying aging process.


Mariel Garcia-Hernandez
Professor, School of Art and Design, Universidad de Monterrey UMO780601S4A, Nuevo León, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Information Design, Older Adults, Usability Guidelines