Reviewing Factors Influencing Microclimatic Conditions in Developing Nations


Urbanization has emerged as a defining trend in global population dynamics, with 55% of the world’s population living in cities as of 2017. While urbanization creates hubs of economic activities and opportunities, it also causes complicated issues in urban areas. One of the phenomena it affects significantly is Urban Microclimate. Authors and researchers believe that the impact of rapid urbanization in cities on their microclimate is at present a great cause of global concern. A range of meteorological conditions inside the city limits define the dynamic and complex phenomenon of the urban microclimate. It is impacted by a multitude of factors, including vegetation, land use, human activity, built environment, and demographic factors among many others. This research presents a critical review of the factors influencing microclimatic conditions in developing nations, with a particular focus on the Indian context. By examining these factors, the paper highlights the varying microclimatic conditions within and between urban areas, emphasizing the importance of understanding these factors for informed urban planning and improving the well-being of urban residents.


Meet Kumar
Climate Mobility Intern, Planning, Finance and Economy, UN-Habitat, Haryana, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Nature of Evidence


Urban microclimate, Anthropogenic factors, Urbanization, Developing nations, Influencing factors