Resilient Key to Climate Change: The Regenerative Business of Eco-Agri-Tourism


How to make eco-agri-tourism a leverage factor for country development - eco-socio-cultural aspects eco-agri-tourism can serve as a powerful catalyst for country development by promoting sustainable agricultural practices, enhancing socio-economic conditions, and preserving cultural heritage. When implemented effectively, can significantly contribute to the economic, social, and cultural development of a country. It promotes sustainable agricultural practices, enhances community well-being, and preserves cultural heritage, thereby creating a holistic and sustainable model for rural development. By fostering a deep connection between agriculture and tourism, countries can leverage eco-agri-tourism to build resilient, vibrant, and sustainable rural communities.


Masmoudi Soumia
Founder, ellearchitecture Studio, RhĂ´ne, France

Sukanlaya Choenkwan
Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture/Agricultural Extension and Agricultural System, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2025 Special Focus—Sustainable Development for a Dynamic Planet: Lessons, Priorities, and Solutions


Resilience, Eco Agri Tourism, Eco Farming, Sustainable farming, Regenerative Farming