Support Services and Performance of Poultry Production in Ashanti Region, Ghana: A Case Study of NGO Activities


Using cross-sectional data from 122 poultry farmers through face-to-face interviews, this study examines the effect of support services based on NGO activities on the profitability of poultry production in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Descriptive statistics, computation of perception index, profit margin linear regression, and Kendall’s coefficient of concordance were employed for data analysis. The findings reveal that poultry farmers receive support services such as production/technical, financial, marketing, and veterinary from NGOs for their poultry production business. These services were identified as beneficial, with receipts ranging from ‘rarely’ to ‘often’. Moreover, poultry production was found to be profitable, with profit margins for layers and broilers exceeding the opportunity cost of capital in the study area. Empirical results indicate that access to technical services, financial services, and marketing services significantly influences poultry production profitability. The study identifies limited access to credit, a weaker brand of local poultry, and the unreliability of quality inputs as major constraints impeding poultry production progress in the region. Consequently, the study recommends governmental and stakeholder support for local poultry farmers to enhance their competitive edge in the face of frozen chicken imports. Additionally, trade restrictions should be implemented to curb the influx of frozen chicken into the country. The study underscores the need for NGOs to develop credit accessibility schemes and for government and input manufacturers to collaborate in supplying quality inputs to poultry farmers at affordable prices.


Olivia Amponsah Acheampong
Student, Economic and International Public Policy, University of Tsukuba, Japan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technical, Political, and Social Responses


Poultry Production, Support Services, NGOs, Profitability, Impact Assessment, Agricultural Development Program