Challenges in Promoting Green Jobs and Just Transition in Bangladesh


To ensure a sustainable future for current and future generations, every country in the world needs to lower the effects of climate change and move towards green jobs and just transition. Even though Bangladesh’s role in causing global warming is minimal, the country faces all the negative impacts of climate change. Moreover, the socio-economic disparities, people’s inadequate access to basic services, weak human rights protection mechanisms and high vulnerability to disasters remain major challenges to the development of Bangladesh. Despite all those challenges, Bangladesh’s international commitment, particularly under the Conference of the Parties (COP) 28 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) plays a pivotal role in formulating policies to promote green jobs and just transition. This paper discusses the context of the adoption of just transition and identifies law and policy measures in this context of Bangladesh. This paper also explores major challenges, including social and regulatory challenges that hinder promotion just transition. Finally, this paper proposes a way forward for effective measures for promoting green jobs and just transition in Bangladesh


Md Abdul Awal Khan
Professor, Law, Independent University, Bangladesh, Dhaka zila, Bangladesh


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2025 Special Focus—Sustainable Development for a Dynamic Planet: Lessons, Priorities, and Solutions


Green Jobs, Just Transition, Sustainable development and policy challenges